Thoughts #2

Feels so nice. It has been some time since my blog was just, my blog.Wow. I really feel the difference. *chuckle*

It never felt so liberating before. I know that the ones that are going to read me will come and go. Nobody will stay. Because this blog is too personal, it has nothing that can apport to their lives. Everyone follows a blog because they find their content entertaining, but this blog is just me with my weird and diverse music tastes, and my thoughts. Everything just done perfectly for me. And I like it.

Is just my little internet place. Where nobody stares. Where nobody expects. Where nobody is waiting for me. I can just order my thoughts and write whatever I want to, whenever I want to.

Wow, it really feels different when you focus a blog just, on you. And not also the others. Just you and your mind. 


I will continue writing and publishing whatever I want, and maybe I can come back when I'm older and rer-read whatever I wrote and analyze myself with some more age and maturity. Just me. When I was 12. When I was 14. When I was 17. When I was 40. Feels good. Keeping track of just myself.

I can see venting my anger on here. My sadness. My worries. Just someone I can have to talk to when I can talk to anyone. And that is, again, me.

I love it.

Ok, I'l stop now. Maybe you should just go to sleep, girl.

Yeah, you should.
